Would you like to help us change lives?

For almost 32 years The Lodge Trust has been providing Christian support for adults with learning disabilities, enabling them to have access to Christian resources and services as well as having choice and control over their lives. We are passionate to help society at large see that people can choose to have a faith and choose to be supported in developing that faith. Furthermore, local communities and churches can also be equipped to help and support people with learning disabilities.

Our approach is community based and encourages meaningful work as well as education to improve skills and grow potential employment opportunities. The residents enjoy a full and active life with many options to suit their own individual needs. Underpinning everything is our belief that each of us are unique, fearfully and wonderfully made by God who loves us. It is our joy to support people to grow to be like Jesus and to be role models at work, rest and play.

Recent trends in social care have focused more on inclusion in the wider community based on the premise that people prefer to live in their own homes. While we acknowledge that this is true for some, it is wrong to assume that this is the best approach for everyone with learning disabilities. God has made us capable of relating with others and continually people tell us they feel isolated for much of their time in the wider community.

Ironically, in addition to social isolation there is the increasing risk of abuse. Post the Winterbourne View investigation people expect that all reasonable steps have been taken to prevent abuse occurring but lone-working in the wider community has led to an increase in prosecutions. We believe our residents are safer with many staff sharing their lives in a Christian setting.

The demand for places at our Rutland site far exceeds the provision currently available. There’s not a week passes without another family approaching us for support and advice.

Therefore, the trustees are seeking to raise £4m to establish a second centre in Milton Keynes. We need seed funding to provide accommodation, support and resources to a group of people that at the moment have none. This is an ambitious project but we are confident what we do is excellent and can be replicated in other parts of the country. Please pray that others will share our vision and help us make it happen.





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